Use "incise|incised|incises|incising" in a sentence

1. Incise the superficial and deep fasciae.

2. Figure out how to incise the charts.

3. Incising can achieve the same penetration advantages.

4. We need make a incise estimate in addavance.

5. Abrasions and incised wounds require different first aid treatment

6. Capable of or designed for incising, shearing, or severing: a Cutting tool.

7. Flexible and sharp , it can incise, expose,[Sentence dictionary] exenterate and heal.

8. The new plastic incise drape could reduce incision and inner incision contamination.

9. One has children outside the state plan, incise all team member's hang down!

10. Synonyms for Chiseling include carving, sculpting, shaping, sculpturing, hewing, incising, roughhewing, roughcasting, forming and fashioning

11. Use a warm sharp pointed spatula and neatly incise minute line simulation strands of hair.

12. The acromial periosteum is incised vertically. The incision is extended upwards into the trapezius.

13. Incise scrotum with Newberry Castrating Knife, then use Castrating tool with a cordless, variable speed drill

14. 15 The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.

15. 19 The skin is now incised with the scalpel along the previously - drawn lines.

16. Time is a stream, flowing around us and through us, incising lines on faces as it Abrades rocks

17. The new plastic incise drape performed a significant prevention of the bacteria from growth and migration.

18. Therefore, the papilla has to be intubated and incised. A typical common duct sphincterotomy is added.

19. But what make their wares unique are their free-form designs and incised patterns.

20. Aurignacian people used the burins, or chisel like tools, to incise their tools and objects with symbolic signs

21. Being based on characters which had been designed for incising in stone they were difficult and slow to write.

22. VINTAGE Baluchi JEWELRY - Large Afghan Necklace with Incised Rectangular Pendants - Tribal Jewelry from Central Asia TribalMuse

23. The surface of Belokranjska pogača is incised with a grid of angled lines about # cm apart

24. The surface of Belokranjska pogača is incised with a grid of angled lines about 4 cm apart.

25. This abutment holder have crucially incised annular club at its bottom and snap fits into screw hole of abutment.

26. It has several deep canyons incising into its southern flank, and an old road running within a few miles of it.

27. For , an inscription would not be incised on a surface if it was to be covered over by plaster .

28. 25 The blades of emersed plants are unlike those of E. macrophyllus,[] being ovate and incised at the apex.

29. After incising through the subcutaneous tissues, intercostal muscles, and sternum, the chest wall is lifted up (like opening a Clamshell) allowing exposure to the intrathoracic organs

30. Methods: We sideling incised pancreas envelope along the pancreas y axis , pancreas body become flexible, omental bursa put a duct drainage.

31. Mancano le 13 tavole ripiegate fuori testo disegnate da Girolamo Fontana e incise da Alessandro Specchi, Giovanni Francesco Venturini, Luzio Bonomi, Francesco Buffettini e Pietro Paolo Petrucci

32. Mancano le 13 tavole ripiegate fuori testo disegnate da Girolamo Fontana e incise da Alessandro Specchi, Giovanni Francesco Venturini, Luzio Bonomi, Francesco Buffettini e Pietro Paolo Petrucci

33. At Saqqara two terracotta figures of the goddess Bastet were found, on which, at their bases, the horus name of Khufu is incised.

34. The chamber floor is in the foreground, showing (nearest) an incised pottery cup, to the left (southeast) of which are Cremated human remains

35. In this instance the inner curve, determined by the size and sweep, combined with the out-Cannel provide the replicatable incising lines to establish the outlines of design elements

36. Impaired wound healing was observed in 1.5% of cases, which was managed by conservative treatment except in 1 patient, in whom a subfascial abscess had to be incised.

37. A Biopsic forceps for taking structural specimen within body cavities as inserted into a forceps channel of an endoscope or directly into an incised body cavity

38. On separating the skin it was found directly adherent to the Cicatrised dura, and when this was incised a large vicarious arachnoid space was opened up

39. Analyses of diapophyseal and parapophyseal position and thoracic rib morphology suggest that most nonavian theropods possessed lungs that were deeply incised by the adjacent Bicapitate thoracic ribs

40. Artichoke definition is - a tall Mediterranean composite herb (Cynara scolymus) resembling a thistle with coarse pinnately incised leaves; also : its edible immature flower head which is cooked as a vegetable.

41. — Large inflated shell, spire shorter than aperture, sutures incised and shoulders rounded, whorls convex, body whorl large and inflated; nucleus unknown, Anomphalous; aperture ovate and auriform, outer lip

42. ‘The incised bone seems to have belonged to an unknown Bovid mammal, the group that includes sheep, cattle and antelope.’ ‘We also use many products from Bovids, like milk and leather.’ Origin

43. Cryptorchid testis being removed Inguinal or pre-scrotal testes are removed using a typical castration incision or by incising directly over the retained testis if it’s location is far from the standard midline incision

44. Between 2600 BP and now, the creek incised about 5 m below the former T-2 channel position and aggraded, partly synchronously, up to 3 m of T-3–floodplain alluvium.

45. 17 In emergency departments, this is a common procedure and often a thrombosed internal hemorrhoid is mistaken for this and incised with a lot of later pain and bleeding for the patient.

46. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or Amplexicaul, or auriculate, Amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid)

47. Accordingly, the present invention can precisely circularly incise the front surface of the anterior capsule covering a crystalline lens, thus being capable of preventing revision surgery caused by surgery failure, and enabling surgery to be safe and easy.

48. The Annuli into which segments are externally divided are so deeply incised as to render it impossible to distinguish, as can be readily done in the Oligochaeta as a rule, the limits of an annulus from …

49. The deeply incised river valleys of the park are dominated by wet sclerophyll tall open forest of mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans), with an understory of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon), hazel pomaderris (Pomaderris aspera) and tree ferns (Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis).

50. ‘The curtain's incised pattern of soft green, stemlike Arabesques recalls 19 th-century wallpaper design and, at the same time, snakes or lizards curling into themselves.’ ‘Add to this a loose, flowing pattern of Arabesques and vines, rendered in paint and other mediums.’

51. Macdonald Armouries puts a spin on the classic! Following the form of the 2nd pattern FS knife, our throwing knives are constructed from one solid piece of 75Cr1 steel which is hand-ground, sanded, incised, etched and hardened and tempered to a durable springy toughness.

52. � The medical report of the Fourth Hospital affiliated with China Medical University refers to the following diagnosis: an incised wound in the left forearm, complete tear of the left thumb extensor and long muscles, complete tear of the left thumb’s abducent and long muscles and separation of a nerve in the left forearm.

53. The boy was Admitted to hospital, and three days later the swelling was incised and drained under general anaesthesia.: The alternative has serious problems of its own, replacing faux precision with Admitted vagueness and subjectivity.: Water containing minute food particles is Admitted through the incurrent siphon into the pharyngeal basket.: Again in two national indabas in Johannesburg

54. The buckle bears a runic inscription on its front, incised after its manufacture: aigil andi aïlrun iltahu (or elahu) gasokun Linguistic analysis of the inscription reveals that it was composed in early Old High German and is thus considered the oldest preserved line of alliterative verse in any West Germanic languages (while the Golden horns of Gallehus inscription, roughly one century older, is considered the oldest example of a North Germanic metrical line).

55. 39.7 x 14.5 x 14.5 , Porcelain, wheel thrown with hand built additions, glazes, lustre, incising Lidded jar with sgraffito drawing of Newfoundland shore and village landscape with coloured sky; on the dome-shaped lid is a modelled figure of an accordion player playing; the figure is two thirds again the height of the jar itself; colours are strong, with the lid and figure in shiny black except for the head, hands and accordion of the player which are white with brown and orange; the land is black and the waters are mottled blue and green and purple.